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Blog Technology suppport Delem DA58T Controller Manual

Delem DA58T Controller Manual

June 16, 2021     Technology suppport

Delem DA58T Controller Manual



The DA-58T is a state-of-the-art complete 2D graphical control solution for synchronized press brakes. Offering easiest CNC programming based on the Delem graphical touch screen user interface including automatic bend sequence calculation and collision detection.

This manual mainly describes the operation of the Delem DA58T controller and is meant for operators who are instructed for operation of the total machine.

Delem Limited warranty

• This manual does not entitle you to any rights. Delem reserves the right to change this manual without prior warning.
• All rights reserved. The copyright is held by Delem. No part of this publication may be copied or reproduced without written permission from Delem BV.

Version history

The control software is updated regularly to increase performance and add new functionality.
This manual is also updated as a result of changes in the control software. The following overview shows the relation between software and manual versions.
Software version Manual version Description V1.1 V0215 first issue V1。
This manual is valid for software version 1.1 and higher.


Part1 - Operation Overview and General Introduction


Control Unit

The control looks as follows:
The precise outfit of your control may vary.
Operation of the control is mainly done over the touchscreen. A description of the functions and available touch controls is given in the next sections of this manual, aside of the description of the specific functions.
This user manual focuses on the control software and related machine functions.


Front Control Elements

The Start and Stop button, integrated in the touch screen user interface:
Stop button + Start button


USB Connectors

At the right side of the control a USB port is available for connection of external devices, such as a memory stick or an external keyboard or mouse.

Operation and Programming Modes

The DA-Touch control’s main screen looks as follows:

Depending on the navigation button which is active, the screen will differ. The above main screen will appear having the Products function active.
Just by tapping the various modes, the specific mode will be selected.
The structure of the main screen is as follows:

  • Title panel

In the top the title panel is always shown. In this area you can find logo information, which product is loaded, the active bend, selected subdirectory and (when activated) the service row. Also machine indicators can be found here.

  • Information panel

In the information panel all functions and visualisation related to the selected modus are displayed and can be found.

  • Command panel

The command panel is part of the Information panel and is the location where the controls related to the Information panel can be found.

  • Navigation panel

The Navigation panel is the area where all the major modes can be found. This area is always visible. The controls, large buttons with icons, can be used to directly switch from one mode to the other

Explanation of the main modes / Navigation buttons


Getting Started


In order to obtain a bend program for a product, the control offers the possibility to create a product drawing and calculate a valid bend sequence for the product. With this information, a
product program is generated.

This is done with the following steps:
1 Go to the Products mode in the navigation panel and start a new product by tapping New Product.
2 Enter the product properties and start to draw a 2D product profile in the Drawing mode.
3 Check the tooling, modify or make a new set-up in the Tool Setup mode.
4 Use the Bend Sequence mode to determine the bend sequence by calculating it or manually modifying it upon your own idea’s.
5 When required modify the numerical CNC program via the Program mode.
6 Tap Auto and press the Start button in order to produce the programmed product.


Before product programming can be started, the following preparations must be made.
• The correct material properties must have been programmed in the Materials library.
You can find this on the Materials page in the Settings mode.
• The correct tools must be programmed in the Tool Library. Tools are necessary to create a CNC program. You can find the libraries for the different types of tools in the Machine mode.

Create a drawing

The control offers the functionality to create a drawing of the intended product. With this drawing application, tap Drawing in the navigation panel, a 2D profile is created. At this stage, there is no calculation of bends or dimensions: any profile or drawing can be created.
The drawing method on the Touch screen control is based on:

• Sketching
• Value setting


The product as well as tool shape Sketching can be done by tapping on the screen in the different directions the drawing must have. The application will follow the tapping with drawing a line between the indicated points. The last point of the design will show always a big red dot. When the drawing dot is on the screen you can hold your finger on this position and move the finger across the screen to move the connected line in another required direction or make the line length longer. This method is the so-called ‘Dragging’ facility. The length and angle value will be visible on the screen and can be adjusted to be exact or close to the requested value.

Value setting

Once the product or tool is drawn in the Sketching method the exact values of line lengths and angles can be optimized by the Value setting method. Just tap 2 times on the value of the line length or angle to change and the keyboard will pop-up. The value can be entered in 2 ways of confirmation:

• Enter function
• Enter-Next function

The Enter function will close the keyboard after entering the value. The Enter-Next function will enter the value on the line or angle to change and the keyboard will remain opened for the
next programming step.
In case the typed value is erroneous, the “undo” button right from the input field can be tapped to return to the original value or the backspace key on the keyboard to delete the last typed

Zoom function

By pinching the screen with two fingers simultaeously one can zoom in and out on the drawing, tool or machine visualisation. By spreading fingers the system will zoom-in, by bringing fingers nearer to each other the system will zoom-out.


In the command icons on the side of the screen you will find a Fit-To-Screen function. This can be used when the drawing size is not clear in picture. Just tap once and the complete drawing will be sized to fit the drawing screen.


A single finger will enable panning.

Features of the drawing tool
• Graphical design of product shapes in 2D
• Scaled sheet thickness
• Auto scaling
• Horizontal and vertical projected dimensions can be entered
• Real scale tool design
• Single machine shape (pressbeam and table)
• Changing of lengths and angles
• Adding or deleting of bends
• Special bend features can be applied
• Hemming bends can be programmed
• Bumping bends can be used for big radius
• Existing products can be copied, changed and stored as a new product
• Closing dimension or highest precision tolerance selection
• Connecting 2D programs for 3D-production

Determine bend sequence

When the product drawing is completed, the control offers Tool setup mode to program the exact tool set-up as it is organised on the machine. After this you can select the Bend Sequence mode to determine and simulate the required bend sequence.

In the Bend Sequence mode, the control shows the product, the machine and the tools. In this menu the bend sequence can be programmed and checked visually. When a bend sequence has been determined, the CNC program can be generated.

Bending sequence computation

• Automatic computation for minimum production time
• Interactive bend sequence determination
• Manual bend sequence determination
• Collision visualization of product with tools and machine
• Free tool selection
• Assignments of turn times, backgauge speed etc.
• Blank length computation
• Production time indication
• Bending sequence simulation
• Programmable finger positions

Numerical program

The Program menu gives access to the numerical program and values of the active product.
There are two possibilities to create a CNC program:
• enter a numerical program, started via Products mode, tap New Program, step by step;
• generate the program from the graphical bend simulation started via the Products mode, tap New Product, via the Drawing mode. (see: Drawing mode; product drawing).

If the program is entered by hand, there is no collision check. All program values must be entered manually. The program depends on operator experience.
If the program is generated from a graphical bend sequence, the program can be visualised during production. A generated program can be edited according to operation needs.

When a drawing has been completed with a bend sequence, and the program is stored, the program is post processed and the numerical program becomes available.
The system automatically computes :
• Necessary force
• Machine adjustments such as:
• Y-axis position
• Decompression
• X-axis position
• X-axis retract
• Y-opening
• R-axes
• Z-axes

Axes positions are calculated according to the machine configuration.

The auto menu and manual menu, production modes

A product program can be executed via the Auto mode. In Automatic mode, a complete program can be executed bend after bend. In the Auto mode the Step mode can be selected to have each bend started separately.
The Manual mode of the control is an independent production mode. In this mode, one bend can be programmed and executed. It is typically used to test the behaviour of the bend system.

Back-up data, external storage

Both product and tool files can be stored externally. Depending on the configuration, these files can be stored on a network or on a USB stick. This facilitates a back-up of important data and the possibility to exchange files between Delem controls.

Programming Aids

Help text

This control is equipped with an on-line Help function. When the Help-button in the navigation panel is pressed context sensitive help will be provided.

Navigation panel
To activate a help window for a parameter tap the Help button in the navigation panel.
A pop-up window appears with information on the active parameter.
This Help window contains the same information as the Operation manual.
The help window can be used as follows:
You can scroll through the text sliding one finger in the desired direction. By tapping on the lower or upper part of the screen Previous Page / Next Page can be used to browse through the help text.
The Index function helps to jump to the table of contents. Hyperlinks in the table help to directly navigate to the desired topic.
Tap End to close the Help window.

Listbox functionality

Several parameters on the control have a limited number of possible values. When selecting such a parameter, by tapping the parameter line on the screen, the list of options will open up
near the position where you tapped the line, and the desired value can be selected.

To undo the selection and the opened listbox, tapping outside the box will make it close without changing the selected parameter.

Filter, live search

In some modes a list of entities is offered (products, tools, materials, etc.). An example of such a menu is the Products mode (product selection). To search a particular product or tool, the filter function can be used. Press the command button Filter, type a part of the ID in the enter field. Automatically, the list is limited to those items that contain the typed part.
Multiple search parts can be separated by <space>.
To close an open filter screen use the keyboard-close button on the right side next to the keyboard.


Within some modes, the program screens are divided into tabs.

The tabs can easily be selected by just tapping them. When a tab is not completely visible or not visible at all, just by dragging the tab row horizontally, the desired tab can be “pulled” in sight and be selected.

Text input and editing

The cursor can be used to enter a specific value or text within an existing input. Just tap at the desired position to do so. The cursor will appear and input will be added there.

Typing alphanumeric characters vs. special characters

Both alphanumeric characters and special characters can be used throughout the control. A full on-screen alphanumerical keyboard will pop up when required.
When editing a field which is pure numeric, the alphanumeric characters will be “greyed-out” and only the numerical keypad can be used. For fields which enable to use alphanumerical strings, the keyboard is completely available. Special characters as ? % – can be found using the special character button on the left-lower side of the keyboard.

Special characters (like á, à, â, ã, ä, å, æ) are supported by the on screen keyboard by keeping a character (like ‘a’) pressed.


The CNC control optionally can be equipped with a network interface. The network function offers the operators the possibility to import product files directly from the network directories or to export the finished product files to the required network directory.

Keylock function

To prevent for changes to products or programs, the keylock function offers the possibility to lock the control.
There are two levels of locking the control. Program Lock and Machine Lock.
• In Program Lock, only a product can be selected and executed in Automatic mode.
• In Machine Lock, the machine is locked and the control can not be used.
To lock a control just tap the lock symbol in the top of the screen. Depending on the code which is used, the control will be in Program Lock or Machine Lock. Program Lock wil show a closed lock in grey. Machine lock will show the same lock but colored (red).


Lock symbols when Program Lock is active will also appear behind parameters to show the lock is active and modification is not possible.
To unlock the control, tap the lock symbol and enter the appropriate code. After entering, the lock symbol will show it is unlocked and the lock symbols behind parameters will disappear.

Codes can be changed upon desire. The procedure to manages codes can be found in the Installation manual.

Manual positioning

On the manual positioning page in Manual mode and Automatic mode a slider at the bottom of the screen can be used to position the axis. The distance moved with the slider determines the speed of the axis. When the slider is released, the axis stops. The buttons at each end of the slider can be used to fine-tune the axis position. When “sliding” the beeper gives feedback that the axis is moving.

Software versions

The version of the software in your control is displayed at the System Information tab in the Machine menu.

Example of version number:
V 1.2.3
V stands for version
V 1.x.x is the major version number
V x.2.x is the minor version number
V x.x.3 is the update version number

The major version number is increased when new major features are added to the software. These software changes require additional introduction and could change the normal working
order. The minor version number is increased when new features and enhancements are integrated which do not change the working order. The update version number solely is used for software changes when corrections are needed in the existing software version.


Part2 - Products, Product Library



In the Products mode existing, previously produced, products can be selected to start production or for modification in order to make a similar product. To start making a new product or program New Product or New Program can be used from this mode.


The main view

In Products mode an overview is given of the program library on the control. In this mode a product program can be selected (loaded). After that a program can be modified or executed.
Each item in the list consists of a thumbnail of the graphical product (for numerical programs a symbol is shown), its Product ID, the Product Description, the Number of bends in the product,
what kind of product it is (Type) and the Date it was last used or modified. The Type indication of the product shows following types of products:

P– the product has a CNC program, there is no drawing -2D the product consists of a 2D drawing, there is no CNC program P2D the product has a 2D drawing and a CNC program

If a product program is already active its ID is shown in the top of the screen. A program can be loaded by tapping the product ID or any other part of the product’s line.

When there are more products than can be visualised in the screen simply drag the list in the upward direction until the product is visible. From then again a single tap on the product selects the product and activates it in the control.

Product selection

To select a product a single tap will do. The product will be selected and loaded into the memory. From here production can be started by tapping Auto. Also navigation can start through the Products Drawing (if existing), it’s Tool Setup, the Bend Sequence and also into the numerical Program of the product.

New Product, starting a new graphical product

To start a new graphical product tap New Product.
After New Product is chosen, the programming of a new product starts with its general details like Product ID, Thickness and Material.

New Program, starting a numerical program

To start a new numerical program tap New Program.
After New Program is chosen, the programming starts with its general details like e.g. Product ID, Thickness and Material. The shown general tab is next to the successive tabs which are ready for programming the first bend.


Edit, copying and deleting a product or program

To delete a product in the Products mode select a product by tapping it. It will be selected.
After that tap Edit and use Delete. To finally delete it confirm the question. To delete all products and programs at ones, tap Delete All.

To copy a product select a product or program and tap Edit and use Copy. After this the name of the product can be programmed and the copy will be done. The product will appear in the same directory. The copied product will be an exact copy including tool setup and bend sequence if available.


Product lock/unlock

The product Lock/Unlock function provides a simple method to prevent accidental changes to finished programs or products. In this way products which have been tuned and found to be good cannot be changed unless the product is unlocked.
When tapping on Edit the Lock Product / Unlock Product feature can be switched for each product or program.


Filter function

To make finding products easier the filter function enables live searches through-out the Products mode.
When tapping Filter, the filter screen will show. By typing the desired filter string, optionally devided by spaces, the live search will start.
Optionally a different view can be selected. Also the specific property on which the filter is applied can be changed by using Selection.
Selections can be done on Product ID or Product Description.
You can either enter a complete name or number or only a part of it. If you enter part of a name and this part occurs in several product names, the control will show all product names that contain that part. It is also possible to enter a combination of name and number.
See also section 1.6.2 about Filtering and ‘Live search’.

Change directory

To change to a different product directory, or to add a new product directory, tap Change Directory. When an obsolete directory must be removed, select the directory and tap Remove
Directory. When a desired directory is reached, tap Select to jump back to the Products screen which will show all products in the directory. The active local directory name is displayed in the

make subdir.

Add a new subdirectory. The name of the subdirectory can be any alphanumeric string of maximal 24 characters. (Avoid the use of slashes ‘/’).

remove subdir.

Delete a subdirectory. If the directory contains files or subdirectories, the control will return questions to confirm the deletion for both.

In this menu it is also possible to remove existing subdirectories (only an empty one) and to make new subdirectories. Tap Make Subdir and enter the new name. Subdirectories are called subdirectories because these directories reside under the local directory ‘DELEM\PRODUCTS’. The name of the subdirectory cannot be changed.
In this menu it is not possible to copy products from one subdirectory to another subdirectory; this can be done in Drawing mode or Program mode.
When you leave the product selection menu the control remembers the active subdirectory and the active product (if a product was selected) until another directory or product is selected.

Network product selection (only available when Network option has been installed)

When a networkdirectory has been mounted in the control this mounted directory can be found under Network. Network is available next to the Product directory when using change directory. The name of the mounted drive indicates availability for product selection and storage.

The network directories can be navigated thru in the directory browser. Directories can be selected, added and removed and products can be selected. When a desired directory is reached, tap Select to jump back to the Products screen which will show all products in the directory. The network directory is now the active local directory. Its name is displayed in the header of the screen.

When you leave the product selection menu the control remembers the active subdirectory and the active product (if a product was selected) until another directory or product is selected.
While working with a “read-only” network, or when the network connection is interupted, the product will be saved in subdirectory “Recovered”. This can be found as a subdirectory under

Part3 - Product Drawing


General Product Properties

To edit an existing product drawing, choose the specific product from the Product library and select Drawing.
To start a new product drawing, choose New Product in the product library.


When a new product drawing is started a screen with general product properties appears.
First these properties, general data, should be set before starting with the product drawing.

Product ID

A unique name to identify a product program. The maximum length is 25 characters.
The product ID may contain letters and numbers as available on the keyboard.

Product description

A name or description of this program. The maximum length is 25 characters. The product description may contain letters and numbers.
If an existing product ID is entered, a warning appears that this product already exists. You are asked whether to overwrite that existing product with the new product or not.

If you choose ‘yes’, the existing product is erased. If you choose ‘no’, you must enter a new ID.


Thickness of the sheet.


Selection of the material type of the sheet. The control contains 4 pre-programmed materials. See Settings to program materials. Press the required material to select it as active.

Bending length

The Z-length of the sheet.


Determine the use of the outside (A) or the inside (B) dimensions in the product drawing when new sides or surfaces are added. The figure below shows the definition of both the dimensions. By default this parameter has the value of the Settings mode parameter Default Dimensions.


The product radius is recalculated after selecting the tools in the tool setup, because the chosen tooling influences the resulting radius. By default this setting is ‘use calculated’.

With this parameter one can overrule and select ‘use programmed’; in that case the product radius will not be recalculated and used as programmed.

Bend allowance

For the bend allowance of this product you could select ‘use calculated’ or ‘use programmed’. With ‘use calculated’ the bend allowance will be calculated with the Delem formula or the bend allowance table.

To change the active directory select ‘Save as’ and ‘Change directory’. The current product is automatically copied to the new directory


2D Product Drawing


After entering the general product data the drawing screen appears.

In the upper information row you will find the information about product ID, product description, inside/outside dimensions selection and actual product directory.
Now you can create the profile of the product. It is possible by using your fingers to tap and create quickly the product in ‘sketch’ mode. After that the real product dimensions and corresponding values can be entered by using the keyboard

It is also possible to directly enter the angle of the bend followed by the length of that side by using the keyboard and the Enter button. The properties are prompted in the input bar of the screen on the keyboard panel. This procedure continues until the product has the desired profile.
The product data can be changed by selecting Product Properties. The properties of the product angles and lines can be changed by selecting Properties.

The currently active element (line or angle) is highlighted. In a product drawing you can program up to a maximum of 99 bends per product (graphical programming).

When the product drawing is finished it is possible to navigate to the next step in the programming process; to determine first the Tool Setup and after the Bend Sequence.

 Line Properties


When the cursor is on one of the product lines it is possible to change the properties of that line by selecting Properties.


Inside the window with line properties, the following projection properties can be programmed: Horizontal projection. The horizontal distance a line must measure, regardless of its angle value.

Vertical projection

The vertical distance a line must measure, regardless of its angle value.

The projection function is a useful aid for drawing diagonal lines between points without having to compute the precise side length. When a line is selected, simply enter a horizontal or vertical projection distance and press Enter. The required line length is computed and applied to the selected segment.

It will be noted on the screen if projection is not possible.

Precision selection

When the drawing cursor is on a line segment, you can select the level of precision for this line. Enter the properties and go to the parameter Precision.


Select the level of precision for a line.
Normal: Achieve normal accuracy for this segment.
High: At bend sequence computation the back gauge stop position will be chosen to get the highest possible precision for this line interval.
Closing dimension: At bend sequence computation the back gauge stop position will be chosen to get the resulting tolerances in this line interval.

Line interval marked with the open circle should be, if possible, directly placed between back stop and the centre of the die.


Specifying line intervals with high precision and closing dimensions may result in longer production time.
The precision parameter will have priority over the “front extend ratio”, if that is set to “comply if possible”.

Bend Properties

Air bend

Drawing a product graphically is simply programming the line length, angle value, next line length, etc. till the product has its required shape. The bends in the product have their standard or specific properties. The bend properties can be set by selecting the bend and selecting Properties.

Bend type

With the bend type it can be determined what kind of bending process is required.

Options are:
• Air bend as normal bend with a defined angle and preferred radius.
• Bumping as bend process to realise a large radius in different steps of airbending.
• Hem bend as bend process including the pre-bend (a standard air bend with a sharp angle) and hemming action with help of a special hemming tool.


The angle value to bend.

Preferred radius

The intended radius which is programmed. As initial value the programmed product thickness is used. This radius can also be a large radius requiring large radius tools.

Computed radius

The resulting radius as computed from the control settings. Amongst others the resulting radius is depending on the used tools in the bending process.

A large radius is meant to be bent with a special radius punch with large radius. If such a punch is not available, the bumping method can be selected. The radius value may not
exceed the length of any adjacent sides. For the definition of the line lengths to be programmed in the part connected to a radius bend, see figure below.

Lengths L1 and L2 must be equal or bigger than the radius R.
It is also possible to create a bend by placing the cursor on the flange end where the bend is required and select Properties. In this way the pop-up window will appear with an extra parameter to fill-out.

Large radius: Bumping

If a tool with large radius is not available, the bumping method can be chosen. With this method, a large radius in a product is obtained by a series of slight bends in succession.

First you can choose the Angle Definition. The available definitions are:
• The default angle is the angle which could be programmed as standard.
• The central angle is the supplement of the default angle (i.e. 180 degrees – default angle).

To apply the bumping method, the following parameters must be programmed:

  • Central angle

The supplement of the angle value to bend.

  • Radius

The intended radius which is programmed. As initial value the programmed product thickness is used.

  • Number of segments

The number of segments in which the radius will be divided. The number of bends in this radius is the number of segments plus 1.
The more segments you select, the more bends will be used to create the programmed radius within a smaller tolerance. With a high number of segments you will need a smaller V-die opening to be able to bend in a proper way.

  • Equal bumping-segments

When a product has a radius bend, the segment size is computed from the number of segments, which has been defined by the user. Standard the first and last segment are calculated half the size of the mid segments to obtain a better result. However, it can be a problem selecting a die suitable to bend these small segments. Therefore the control can calculate an equal size for all segments. This can be defined with this parameter.

  • Disabled (no equal sizes)
  • Enabled (equal sizes)

When Enabled all segments will have an equal size.

When Disabled the calculation is including half size segments. If in this case a problem with the size of the V die is detected in the bend sequence determination, the user is asked whether or not to select a re-calculation with equally sized segments.

When you must program such a bend, first program a standard angle with adjacent sides.

Then put the cursor back on the angle, tap the function Properties and select Bumping as Bend Type. You will be prompted to program the radius, the number of segments and if you like to have equal bumping segments or not. After programming these parameters the radius is drawn in the product and a message will appear on the screen with information about the smallest calculated segment length. The smallest segment length has consequences for the selection of the die.

Hem bends

When creating the required profile of the product with a hem bend it is possible to first prepare a flange with a prebend angle, place the cursor on the bend and select Properties. The bend
properties can be programmed in the pop-up window.

It is also possible to create a hem bend by placing the cursor on the flange end where the hem bend is required and select properties. In this way the pop-up window will appear with an extra
parameter to fill-out.

Bend Properties

Prebend angle

The required angle of the pre-bend, normally a sharp angle. The angle can be set upon the best practical value, the default value is 30 degrees.

Hem opening

The hem bend can be made with a certain opening distance between the 2 flanges. The hem opening value will be used calculating the beam position in the hemming process.
By default this parameter has the value of the Settings mode parameter Default Hem Opening.

Side Properties

Side length

The length of the flange to hem.

Part4 - Tool Configuration


To edit or modify a tool setup for the product, select the product from the library and use Tool Setup.



Standard Procedure

When the function Tool Setup has been activated, the screen shows the active machine setup. Both punch and die can be selected from the tool library.

The Upper and Lower tool, resp. Punch and Die, in the machine are shown and can be changed. Tools can also be turned in this screen.

Tool Selection

When selecting tools, both upper and lower tool (resp. punch and die) can be selected from the tool library.
Tap Select Punch or Select Die to change tools to the configuration.
To change the filtering, Selection can be used to switch in between ID and Description.

If only a part of the tool ID is typed, the control automatically offers a list of tools with the typed characters. This is a filtering function.

Part5 - Bend Sequence


To generate or modify a bend sequence for the product drawing, select the product from the library and use Bend Sequence. When a tool configuration is available, the bend simulation can be started to determine a bend sequence for the active product. The bend sequence determination is started by tapping the navigation button Bend Sequence.

The bendsequence determination can be realised by automatic calculation starting with the bent product. It is also possible determining the sequence manually starting with the flat product, not using the automatic calculation.

In the bendsequence screen the product appears between the tools in a possible last bend position. When starting the simulation, the product is shown in its final state. In order to obtain a bend sequence, the product must be unfolded from the last bend to the first. This can be done with the available function keys.
When it is prefered to start with a unfolded product to manually chose the bendsequence, this can be chosen under the command button Bend Sequence.



Unbend the currently shown bend or start searching for the next feasible bend to unfold.


Bend the product in the simulation screen or switch to the next bend step.

Shift gauge

Shift the gauge manually.

Manual selection

Manual selection of a bend line. Additional possibility to determine the bend sequence.


Compute a valid bend sequence. During the computation the bend sequence computation can be cancelled or stopped;
• Cancel is shown when no valid bend sequence has been computed yet.
• Stop is shown when a valid bend sequence has been computed already. This could be the not optimum in production time.


Open a screen with assignments, parameters for the bend sequence computation.

Bend Sequence

To start a new bendsequence, to reload the original bendsequence or to save a complete bend sequence. These functions can be found under the bend sequence command button.


Start a new bend sequence, any existing sequence is removed. This is for automatic computed bend sequences.

+New Flat

Start a new bend sequence from a flat sheet. This is for manual determined bend sequences.




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