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Blog How to Identify the Quality of Shearing Machine Blade

How to Identify the Quality of Shearing Machine Blade

September 7, 2022     Blog, News

Shearing machine is a professional equipment for sheet metal cutting, which is widely used for cutting and blanking of thin sheets in automobiles, shipbuilding, building materials, hardware machinery, and metal structures. Benchmark, if you need to cut other high-strength sheets, the thickness of the sheared sheet should be reduced accordingly.

Shearing machine blade is an essential tool for cutting metal plates, eapecially when cutting stainless steel, the edge of the blade must be sharp, wear-resistant and tough. Therefore, the quality of the blade is the key to determining the cutting effect.


The price of a set of high-quality shearing machine blades varies greatly depending on the material and production technology. And people often ignore this point, always asking for prices everywhere, comparing prices, often only pay attention to price, but ignore quality. Even some small-scale shearing machine blade manufacturers cut corners in the material and processing process to reduce costs, making it difficult for you to distinguish the authenticity from the fake.


The first is the price of the shearing machine blade: in the case of the same material and process, the price of the shearing machine blade is similar. Customers can first understand the market price of raw materials used in the production of blades, and then compare the quotations of blade manufacturers. If the quotation is lower than or slightly higher than the price of the material, then it is shoddy.

3.Production processing

In the production of shearing machine blades, every process is very important, and the most important thing is heat treatment. A set of qualified shearing machine blades must be quenched at least twice in the furnace to achieve consistent blade hardness inside and outside. The cutting edge is tough but not brittle, and the effect is durable and wear-resistant. Some shearing machine blade manufacturers, in order to reduce costs, reduce the number of quenching, or even use soil quenching. If you don't want to buy such a shearing machine blade, you should first compare the price. The second is to use a metal hardness tester on the body after purchase, and test in multiple places to see if the hardness is up to standard and consistent.


Generally, the parallelism of the shearing machine blade is 0.03mm, and the thickness of the full length of the blade cannot exceed 0.03mm, and if such accuracy can be achieved, it can be regarded as a qualified shearing machine blade. You can use measuring tools after purchase. First compare the errors of the two ends of a single piece, and then measure whether the accuracy of the entire set of blades is consistent one by one, and then check whether there is no gap at the joint, and whether it is flat and no tentacles when touched by hand.


A set of high-quality and qualified shearing machine blades can be used for at least one or two years under normal use, and can be re-grinded after three or five years. Therefore, when purchasing, be sure to ask about the after-sales guarantee and sign an agreement. Shearing machine blade manufacturers will promise to users that within a certain period of time, if there are quality problems, they can be returned and exchanged unconditionally. Without such a commitment, the quality of the blade cannot be guaranteed.

In fact, it is very simple to identify whether the shearing machine blade is true and the quality is simple or not. As long as the customer does not covet cheap, and analyzes it in detail, he will not be fooled.

Precautions during the use of the shearing machine:

1. Start the shearing machine for several cycles of idling, try to cut sheets of different thicknesses, from thin to thick. Make sure that under normal conditions the user is familiar with shearing machine performance.

2. Different blade gaps must be adjusted for different plate thicknesses during trial shearing. If the corresponding blade clearance is not adjusted, the blade durability will be affected.

3. Turn on the switch of the pressure gauge during the shearing process, observe the pressure value of the oil circuit, and the pressure should be less than 20MPa when cutting a 12mm plate. This remote pressure regulating valve No. 9, the pressure is set at 20-22MPa when it leaves the factory, the user must abide by this regulation, and it is not allowed to increase the pressure for shearing the surface of the material beyond the specified, causing damage to the machine.

4. Balanced sound during operation. If the shearing machine is noisy, it should be stopped for inspection.

5. When the shearing machine is operating, turn off the machine and rest when the temperature of the fuel tank is raised to <60 degrees.

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