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Blog Laser cutting machine use should pay attention to what

Laser cutting machine use should pay attention to what

November 8, 2021     Blog, News, Technology suppport

Laser cutting machine use should pay attention to what

Laser cutting machine in production must pay attention to the operation process and precautions, so as not to cause accidents, only the standard operation of laser cutting machine, and make each operator comply with the process to maintain safe production, and the maintenance of laser cutting machine.

  1. Comply with general laser cutting machine safety procedures (procedures below). Start the laser in strict accordance with the laser starting procedure.
  2. The user must be trained, familiar with the structure and performance of the equipment, and master the relevant knowledge of the operating system.
  3. Wear protective tools as required, and wear protective glasses in the vicinity of the laser beam.
  4. Do not process a material until it is clear whether it can be lasered or heated to avoid the potential hazard of smoke and steam.
  5. When the equipment starts, the operator shall not leave the post without authorization or ask someone to take care of it. If it is necessary to leave, the machine shall be shut down or the power switch shall be cut off.
  6. Keep fire extinguishers within easy reach. Do not process to turn off the laser or light brake; Do not place paper, cloth or other flammable objects near unprotected laser beams.
  7. In the process of processing found abnormal, should immediately stop, timely troubleshooting or report to the supervisor.
  8. Keep the laser, bed and the surrounding area clean, orderly and free from oil pollution, and pile up the workpiece, plate and waste materials as required.
  9. When using gas cylinders, avoid crushing welding wires to avoid electric leakage accidents. The use and transportation of gas cylinders shall comply with the supervision regulations of gas cylinders. Do not burst cylinders in the sun or near heat sources. The operator must stand on the side of the bottle when opening the valve.
  10. After starting the machine, manually start the machine at low speed X and Y direction to check and confirm whether there is any abnormal situation.
  11. After the input of the new workpiece program, it should be run and check its operation.
  12. When working, pay attention to observe the operation of machine tools to avoid laser cutting machine out of the effective range of travel.

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